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4 Security Fixes for Your Accounting or Bookkeeping Firm

May 14, 2024
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4 Security Fixes for Your Accounting or Bookkeeping Firm

In the fast-evolving landscape of accounting and bookkeeping, where sensitive financial data is at the core of operations, ensuring robust security measures is paramount. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats demands proactive steps to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of financial information. Accounting and bookkeeping firms dealing with a vast amount of sensitive data must […]

Small Business Network Security: A Comprehensive Checklist

April 12, 2024
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Small Business Network Security: A Comprehensive Checklist

Each year, close to three-quarters of small businesses will suffer a cyberattack. Each cyberattack can end up costing substantially: in many cases, thousands of dollars that your company cannot afford to lose. However, effective network security can help reduce the risk of a data breach and protect your company’s vital data. We prepared a comprehensive […]

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No problem, we still want to send you a copy of our recently published report, 21 Questions To Ask Before Hiring An IT Team.

Not ready to make the change right now? Are you sure that your financial service business is not vulnerable to expensive problems, such as, lost data, viruses, hacker attacks and other critical issues? Do you know their policies, procedures, and service standards? This report will provide you with important questions to ask your current IT professional.

Simply fill out the form here and we will send you a copy today!

21 Questions